CenCal Eco Wash Eco Wash Packages:
We keep your rollaway trash / recycling bins and commercial dumpsters clean, sanitized and deodorized. We offer wash plans on a Monthly, Bi monthly, Quarterly, and Annual basis. CenCal Eco Wash services are easy and convenient, our truck comes around on your regular trash collection day and all you have to do is leave your trash and recycling bins outside that day. We will have them all clean; sanitized and deodorized for you by that evening. All you need to do is roll your freshly cleaned bins back to your home without needing a hazmat suit!
No longterm contracts needed, we offer a variety of payment options! Save 15% when you prepay your wash package!
Residential Trash Bins
BI - Monthly
Semi Annually
One Time
Today we have the capability to wash dumpsters of all sizes using the most efficient technology within minutes on site. This helps you save money and time! We are also able to accommodate the 96 gallon bins as well on this same Eco Wash System! Our 2 - 1 Commercial Hybrid Eco Wash System is the most efficient dumpster cleaning system on the market today. Our dumpster eco wash system is fully automated and with 200° high pressure hot water blasting inside your dumpsters, we're assuring your dumpsters are cleaned properly.
Commercial Dumpsters: 10,8,6,4,2 Cubic yards
BI - Monthly
Semi Annually
One Time